How to use Lost & Found
Here at Bauwow, we know how important your pet is to you and that’s why we have created this new Lost & Found section, to give you the best chance of successful reunification, should your pet go missing.
Read the following steps carefully in order to use the functionalities properly in case of an emergency.
Registration & Login
To use all the functionalities of Lost & Found, you need to be registered with your dog on Bauwow and then be logged in.
If you haven’t logged in or registered yet, you can tap on any of the buttons of the Lost & Found menu.
What you can do
With the “Lost & Found” section of Bauwow you can:
- Create a lost file for your pet in case they go missing
- Send an S.O.S. message to the Bauwow community and to the members of your pack
- Create a Lost Poster to share on all your social media channels or by email, sms etc.
- Check which pets were lost
- Check which pets have been found
- Access the “tip & advice“ page
I'm lost !
In the unfortunate situation that your pet has gone missing, you can use Bauwow – Lost & Found to tag your pet as lost.
Tap on the “I’m lost !” button and follow these three simple steps
- Scroll the map to locate where you have last seen your pet
- Complete the form by adding a message, a phone number and/or an email address
- Add your pet to the list of lost pets
A lost report file will be created for your pet. Tap on the grey panel and scroll to see the complete page for your lost pet.
You can then remove them from the list, tag them as reunited, or share the Missing Poster to social media, email, Whatsapp, or message directly from your phone!
S.O.S. to the Bauwow Community and to Your Pack
Once you have created a lost report for your pet, you can now send an S.O.S. message to the members of your pack or to all the members of the Bauwow Community who have logged in, in a 30-mile radius area.
This is a powerful tool that will give you piece of mind and help you to be reunited with your pet should they go missing.
Your pack members and/or the Bauwow community will receive a message with the details of your lost pet and significantly increasing the chances of reunification. Think of it as putting lost posters all over your virtual neighbourhood.
Share Poster
We know how important the role of social media has in reaching as many people as possible to help you find your loved pet should it go missing.
This is why we have developed super easy to use functionality that allows you create a poster directly from the app and share it with a few clicks on to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, or by email, sms, Messenger, Whatsapp etc…
Once you have completed the steps in the “I’m lost !” section, the app will authomatically generate a poster with all the important information that you have entered.
You can then immediatley share the eye catching poster everywhere every time you want with a simple tap!
Look who's lost
Tap on “who’s lost” to see the pets that are missing in your area they are listed in order of distance from your location.
Check this section regularly and help these pets to find their owners. For each pet in this page, there is a poster to share so you can spread the word and help to reunite them. Share these posters across all your social media networks and help reunify as many lost pets as possible.
Tap on the search icon on the right top corner to search for any lost pet by name, breed or location

You can also add a lost pet for your friend or family member who doesn’t have the app yet, by following these simple steps:
- Tap on the “+” icon on the right top corner
- Scroll the map to the location where the pet was last seen and tap on next
- If there are any pets found in your area, the app will show you the list of any found pets in the same area
- If you cannot see your pet in the found, then tap on next
- Complete the form with the relevant information and tap on the “add to lost” button.
Your pet is now added to the list of lost pets, you can then see the lost profile page, remove it from the list or tag it as reunited and share the poster.
Look who's found
Tap on “who’s found” to see the pets that have been found in your area are listed in order of distance from your location.
Check this section regularly and help these pets find their owners. Additionally, each pet in this page thas a poster that can be easily shared on social media so you can spread the word and help to reunite them.
Tap on the search icon on the right top corner to search for any found pet by name, breed or location

You can also add a found pet by following these simple steps:
- Tap on the “+” icon on the right top corner
- Scroll the map to locate where the pet was found and tab next
- If there are lost pets in your area, the app will show you the list of pets that have been lost in the same area, if any of them match, click on the photo for more details and call the number or send an email that is listed on the profile
- In case none of the pets match, tap on next
- Complete the form with the relevant information and tap on “add to found”
The pet is now added to the list of found pets, you can then see the found profile page, remove it from the list or tag it as reunited and share the poster.