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How to post on The Daily Bark

The Daily Bark is the section where you can share the adventures of your pets!

To access The Daily Bark, you will need to log in first and create a profile. See how to create a profile here.

Click on the icon "the daily bark" to access the main feed


Once in, enjoy the thousands of pets and their everyday life, adventures and experiences!


To publish a photo of your pet, simply click on the pencil icon in the middle of the bottom bar


Then click on the + button to select a photo from the gallery of your device, add a text to the photo if you like and share it with everyone or just with the members of your pack, click publish and have fun!

You can also post only a text with no photo if you like.


IMPORTANT: Bauwow reserves any right to remove posts, comments and photos believed to be against the T's & C's.