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How to create a profile for your pet on the app

IMPORTANT: Before you start to create a profile for your pet, please be aware that profiles that are believed to be fake or not appropriate will be blocked by Bauwow.

When you login for the first time after created an account, the app will ask you to add your pet. Click yes on the pop up



Click on the + button to access the gallery of your device and choose the main image for the profile of your pet.

Add a name, the species, the breed (if you know it), the gender, the birthday, the city (optional) and the personality. These information are visible to all other members of the community. Once you have finished to complete the form, click on save at the bottom of the screen.


The profile for your pet is now ready and you can now enjoy all the sections of the app! Start to socialise and share your adventures on The Daily Bark!